Surf-N-Sand II Condominium Association
Oscoda, Michigan

(Established September 5, 1993)


Annual General Membership Meeting
Minutes of September 3, 2000


Call to order

Meeting called to order by Phil Masser at 11:13am.

Board Members present: Bob Adams
Jerry Gossett
Bob Holdreith

Phil Masser
Josephine Rounds
Kirk Stevens
Jay Wendt

Board Members absent none

Bob Adams took the roll call of owners present. There were 20 units represented.

Presidents' Report to the owners
presented by Phil Masser, Association President:

  1. Building #6 was repainted this summer. In painting this building it was determined that the door frames showed signs of rotting. This is the only building with wooden door frames and these frames will need to be replaced. The board is currently getting bids from area contractors for the replacement of these frames.
  2. This last Spring one unit reported a water leak from the chimney area. An inspection was performed and it was determined that the leak was caused by broken seals around the chimney flashing. All units were subsequently checked and resealled where necessary.
  3. Spraying for spiders was again performed this Spring (May). The spraying has drastically reduced the spider problem we have all faced over the past few years. As a point of information, the spider spray service we use is guarenteed for one year. Should any owner notice a significant number of spiders re-appearing they are encouraged to notify any board member.
  4. This past January presented us with an unplanned expense in the repair of our septic system. The system we have installed is called a "pump and grind" system. Last January the pump on the south end of the complex shut down. It was determined that the pump motor had failed. Replacing this motor cost $6,000 for a 5.5hp commercial motor system. The old motor was then rebuild for an additional cost of $600 and is now in storage. The septic system was back in full operation by the end of January.
  5. This Spring presented us with another unusual problem - namely a significant amount of sand on the grass. Various techniques were applied to the sand in an attempt to move it including: shovelling, use of a backloader to push it off, raking, and sucking via a shop-vac. In the end, most of the sand had been removed but there remained several spots where the original grass had died. The board decided NOT to reseed at that time but to wait until next Spring. In anticipation of another problem next year, Burt donated a quantity of black, low profile, silt fence/screen which will be installed this fall along the entire length of the beach near the grass boarder. This screen should (we hope) stop sand from blowing back up on the grass. In addition, the snow fence will be configured differently this year so as to present more of a barrier to the northeastly winds which are the cause of the sand buildup.
  6. One last problem caused by the sand buildup this spring was when the sprinkler motor burned out due to sand buildup around its' cooling fan. In addition to replacing this motor, the entire motor assemply was raised above ground and encased in a vented "house" - thanks to Dean Nations.
  7. The garage doors were repainted this fall and the driveway was resealled.

Treasurers' Report
presented by Jay Wendt, Association Treasurer:

  1. An audit of the associations books was completed at a cost of $550. The audit report confirmed that our financial books are in good shape. Owners are welcome to review the findings of the audit and may do so by calling either Kirk Stevens or Jay Wendt.
  2. Jay passed out copies of the financial summary. He also discussed how our monthly dues compare to other associations. His findings are the our monthly dues are about average for this area but are only half as much as dues south of Saginaw.
  3. He brought to the gathering his assessment that we will be facing a decision soon regarding the need for future monies; namely that we will eventually have to either raise the monthly dues and accumulate funds gradually over time in sufficient quantity to pay for anticipated maintenance items, or to assess each owner when maintenance is required. This will be a topic of discussion at the board meetings this fall and winter. If any owner has an opinion to share now is the time to share it.
  4. Our insurance premium is the single largest expense item on our books. As a way of reducing this expense Jay recommends raising the deductable from $500 to $1000 and requiring owner participation in paying the deductable for owner-at-fault claims. This would reduce the insurance expense by $2000 annually. A voice vote of the owners supported the plan and it will be acted upon in future board meetings. One owner (Burke Halldorson) added that the owners own insurance company will pay 100% of the deductable in cases of negligence -- but the association needs to define owner negligence.
  5. Jay closed by thanking the owners for consistently paying their association dues on time.

Open Discussion
lead by Phil Masser, Association President

  1. Question was raised whether all owners had copies of the association by-laws. All those present agreed that they did. Any owner needing a copy was directed to contact a board member.
  2. Suggestion was made to add each owners email address to the roster that is published. The board agreed to do this and asked each owner to send in their email address with their next association dues check.
  3. Question was asked where to obtain paint. Phil answered by saying that all paint can be obtained from Oscoda Hardware in town. Simply tell them where you live and they will be able to match the paint for you.
  4. Question was asked about replacement bulbs for the outdoor lamps. Phil stated that he had some and will supply a quantity of replacement bulbs to Dan Kosik and Dean Nations.
  5. Jerry Gossett volunteered his power washer to any owner wishing to use it to clean the exterior of their unit.
  6. Several owners suggested installing a speed bump to slow down traffic in the parking area but all agreed in the end that this would be a problem for snow removal. This topic will be taken up by the board at a future board meeting.

Elections of Officers for 2000-2002 Term
process administered by Bob Adams, Association Secretary

  1. Due to problems with the nomination process and the inability of certain nominees to participate as board members should they be elected, Bob Adams asked for a motion to through out the ballots previously distributed and to conduct a new nomination and election with the owners present. Jerry Gossett offered the motion and it was unanamously accepted. As a result the ballots received were left unopened.
  2. Bob Adams asked for nominations from the owners present. The following nominations were offered and accepted: Lew Koppitch, Leo Barger, Jay Wendt, Bob Adams, Dean Nations, and Doug Gelders.
  3. Owners present were asked to vote for three of these nominees. Voting was done by secret ballot, one ballot per unit, and tallied by non-board volunteers.
  4. As a result of this election process the following nominees were elected to the two year term 2000-2002: Dean Nations, Jay Wendt, and Bob Adams.

presented by Phil Masser, Association President

Phil thanked all the owners for the attendance with special thanks offered to Josephine Rounds for her particapation on the board these past two years.

The motion to close the meeting was approved at 12:45pm.

Minutes prepared by
Bob Adams