Surf-N-Sand II Condominium Association
Oscoda, Michigan

(Established September 5, 1993)


Board Meeting Minutes of July1st, 2000


Call to order

Meeting called to order by Phil Masser at 10:07am.

Minutes from the last meeting accepted as published.

Members present: Phil Masser
Kirk Stevens
Josephine Rounds
Bob Adams
Jerry Gossett
Jay Wendt

Members absent Bob Holdreith

Treasurer report:

  1. All units paid up.
  2. No outstanding bills.
  3. Independant audit of financials to be done by July 15.

Sprinkler system and pump

Sand on the grass:

Phil stated that there is now 130 feet of beach from the pump motor to the waters edge. Onshore winds can be expected to pick up this beach sand and continue to deposit it on the grass.

The vote was unanimous to have as much of the sand removed as possible and allow the grass to grow up through the remaining sand.

Further actions were agreed to which the board feels will prevent further sand buildup on the grass:

  1. Northwoods will be asked to mow the grass within 2 feet of the beach and allow the grass to grow higher to form a barrier for the sand.
  2. The sand dunes created when the sand was scrapped from the grass will be left as is.

Sealing driveway:

Contractor is waiting for the right weather. Should be completed in July.

Building #6 and garage door painting:

Contract has been awarded. Painter will do building 6 before garage doors are painted. Will do garage doors after the driveway has been re-sealed.

Powerwashing buildings:

Item tabled until the Fall. The board feels that any powerwashing at this time will wash away the spider spray currently on the buildings.

Fixing (re-sealing) chimneys:

The storm collar around the chimney leaked in unit #19 and was re-sealled. Jay recommended and all approved having all unit chimneys re-sealed. Phil to arrange.

Annual general membership meeting:

The board discussed the date of the next annual general membership meeting and agreed to hold the meeting on Sunday, September 3.

Three board members terms expire this year: Bob Adams, Josephine Rounds, and Jay Wendt.

Bob Adams will send a letter in July announcing the annual meeting and asking for nominations for these three positions.

The board discussed and agreed that this years annual meeting should be held indoors rather that on the beach so that weather and noice aren't a problem as in years past.


Next meeting July 29th at 10 am.

Meeting adjourned at 11:47a.m.

Minutes by Bob Adams
Board Secretary