Surf-N-Sand II Condominium Association
Oscoda, Michigan

(Established September 5, 1993)


Board Minutes of October 14, 2000


Call to order

Meeting called to order by Bob Holdreith at 10:10am.

Minutes from the last meeting accepted as published.

Board Members present: Bob Adams
Bob Holdreith

Phil Masser
Kirk Stevens

Board Members absent Jerry Gossett
Dean Nations
Jay Wendt

Treasurers' Report
presented by Kirk Stevens, Association Treasurer:

  1. Kirk reported on the current income vs expense prejections through the end of the year as follows:
    Expected income through Dec 31 = $4,942
    Expected expenses through Dec 31 = $3,317
  2. Net income gain projected will be $1,626 but this does not include expenses for any insurance premiums (if there is one).

Snow Removal Contract Report
presented by Phil Masser:

  1. Dean Nations asked four contractors to bid on snow removal contract but received no response by this board meeting date.
  2. In light of the failure to obtain any competative bids, the Board agreed to award the snow removal contract to Northwoods for this season.
  3. Northwoods contract stipulates that snow will be plowed from the parking area and the permanent residents walkways after an accumulation of 2 inches. The remaining walkways will be shovelled after an accumulation of 4 inches.

Building #6 Door Replacement Report
presented by Phil Masser

  1. Jerry Gossett has information from the manufacturer of the doors and frames used on building #6. He does not believe that we have any recourse through the manufacturer for their replacement.
  2. Phil to review options and present recommendation at next board meeting.

On-line Master Deed Project
presented by Bob Adams, Association Secretary

  1. The project to scan in the entire Master Deed and make it available online at our web site is progressing. The project is comprised of the following parts:
    Master Deed
    Condominium By-Laws
    Land Surveys
    Non-profit Articles of Incorporation
    Association By-Laws
  2. As of this board meeting the first section (Master Deed) has been converted and loaded onto our web site.
  3. The plan is to have all sections except the Land Surveys online by the end of the year.

presented by Bob Holdreith, Association President

The motion to close the meeting was approved at 12:12pm.

Minutes prepared by
Bob Adams