Surf-N-Sand II Condominium Association
Oscoda, Michigan

(Established September 5, 1993)


Board Minutes of December 28, 2000


Call to order

Meeting called to order by Bob Holdreith at 9:15am.

Minutes from the last meeting accepted as published.

Board Members present: Bob Adams
Bob Holdreith

Dean Nations
Kirk Stevens
Jay Wendt

Board Members absent Jerry Gossett
Phil Masser

Treasurers' Report
presented by Kirk Stevens, Association Treasurer:

  1. Kirk presented the proposed 2001 budget to the board. Several possible expense items were brought up as not in the budget as presented:
    - Jay questioned the septic figure and believes we should budget for septic cleaning each year (i.e., an annual maintenance item)
    - Also mentioned as not in the budget are monies for power washing and staining the desks which all board members agreed was to be a project for 2001.
    - Lastly, there were no budget monies set aside to repair the doors on building #6.
  2. Kirk stressed the need to increase the reserve account (currently at $33,291). He established an objective when preparing the budget to get the account up to $50,000 as a top priority.
  3. The board agreed on the importance of the reserve account and also agreed to the goals as outlined by Kirk. The board further agreed to approve the budget as submitted knowing that there were certain expenses and projects not included in the initial budget. These off-budget items will be addressed individually and resolved against the budget as actuals for the year come in.

Insurance deductable review
presented by Kirk Stevens:

  1. From our last board meeting it was decided to look at our insurance deductable (currently $500) and determine if there were any cost savings to the association if we were to raise the deductable.
  2. Kirk reported that Auto Owners (our insurance carrier) would be able to decrease our premium by 10% if we were to agree to a $1,000 deductable.
  3. The board discussed this reduction and reviewed the last few years of claims and determined that while the savings in premiums would be desirable the off-setting costs to the association in increased deductable payments would actually cost the association more money than the premium reduction would save.
  4. The board agreed to keep the deductable at $500.

Hurren garden (unity #5)
presented by Bob Holdreith

  1. Bob Adams presented to the board the petition from the Hurren's regarding the design of their flower garden.
  2. The board reviewed the request and all agreed to disallow the request. The garden should conform to the approved garden design.
  3. Kirk agreed to include the board approved garden design in the next monthly financial statement letter to all co-owners.
  4. Bob Holdreith agreed to talk to the Hurren's.

Master Deed Clarification/Interpretation
presented by Bob Adams, Association Secretary

Article IV paragraph B3 states:
"The interior surfaces of unit perimeter walls (including windows and doors therein), ceilings and floors contained within a unit and the surfaces of any load bearing walls designated general common elements but within a unit shall be subject to the exclusive use and enjoyment of the co-owner of such unit."

Article IV paragraph C states:
"The costs of maintenance, repair and replacement of all general and limited common elements described above shall be borne by the Association except that the costs of decoration and maintenance (but not repair or replacement except in cases of co-owner fault) of all surfaces referred to in Article IV B(4) and the costs of maintenance, repair and replacements of the items specified in Article IV B(3) shall be borne by the co-owner of each unit to which such limited common elements are appurtenant."

The board agreed that the proper interpretation of these two articles is that the co-owner is responsible for the repair and maintenance of all items included in B(3) including all windows.

presented by Bob Holdreith, Association President

The motion to close the meeting was approved at 11:11am.

Minutes prepared by
Bob Adams