Photographs taken July 4, 1999
courtesy of Kirk Stevens

Please note: The download time is estimated to be almost a minute for a 28.8 modem.

The Shriners float

Close-up view of the
lighthouse float

Start of the parade

The Pow Wow float

The Penzoil racing
team drives by

There goes the
Lighthouse float

Start of the Parade
July 4, 1999

The crowd looks on anxiously for the start of the parade.


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The Shriners Float
July 4, 1999

The first float passes by and the crowd goes wild!!!



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The Lighthouse Float
July 4, 1999

This float has an association with our Association. Designed by Lew and built by Gary, this float was by far a crowd pleaser.

Ideas for a permanent location for the lighthouse are now being accepted.

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Lighthouse Float
July 4, 1999

The lighhouse float passes by.

Will this float become an annual part of the parade -- stay tuned for details.


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Penzoil Racing
July 4, 1999

Here's the Penzoil Racing teams' newest drivers honing their skills on the difficult US-23 road course.


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Pow Wow Float
July 4, 1999

Another interesting float was this one from the (unpronouncable) indian pow wow organization.


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