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Surf-N-Sand II Condominium Association
Oscoda, Michigan

(Established September 5, 1993)


Board Minutes of August 4, 2001


Call to order

Meeting called to order by Bob Holdreith at 10:10am.

Minutes from the last meeting accepted as published.

Board Members present:

Jerry Gossett
Bob Holdreith
Kirk Stevens
Jay Wendt
Bob Adams
Phil Masser
Dean Nations
Board Members absent none

Finance report:
Kirk Stevens read the financial report. Board approved as read.

Maintenance items:

1. Septic System. The board reviewed the configuration of our septic system and discussed annual maintenance requirements. The septic system is composed of the following:

  • There are four tanks in the field
  • Two tanks are solid waste tanks and should be cleaned every year
  • Two tanks are effervesent tanks and should be cleaned every other year
  • A motor pumps from the two effervesent tanks into the field.

2. Burning bushes. There are 12 burning bushes the need replacing having been damaged by winter weather and voles.

3. Parking lot resealing. The board agreed to reseal the parking lot this fall.

4. Hurren window problems (unit #5). The Hurren's raised an issue to the board concerning leaks from there side window. Phil agreed to talk to Doug Gelders who reported a similar problem to determine what Doug did to fix his problem. The board further agreed to have Lee's Maintance check on the window.

5. Maintenance shed. The board approved spending $1,400 for the purchase and installation of a maintence shed to be placed on the south side property line. The shed will be 8x12 in size.

6. Tree spraying. The board agreed to put this off till spring.

7. Removal of dead birch tree. One of the three birch trees on the lake side has died. The board agreed to have it removed and replaced with sod. Dean volunteered to cut it down and have it removed. Northwoods would be asked to install the sod.

8. Sprinklers. Phil reported that Hunter makes conversion units for the Rainbird heads and suggested that we begin replacing Rainbird heads with Hunter heads as the Rainbird heads break. The board agreed and asked Phil to buy six Hunter heads.

Satellite Dish Policy
The board received a request for the installation of a satellite dish. Jerry agreed to draft guidelines for board review in the next 60 to 90 days.

Annual Meeting
The board discussed the upcoming annual meeting and agreed to hold it on September 1. As in 2000, the board agreed that the meeting should be held indoors and chose to conduct the meeting at the Oscoda Yacht Club beginning at 10am. The board approve $25 for the room rental. Four board members seats are up this year: Kirk Stevens, Phil Masser, Bob Holdreith, and Jerry Gossett. Phil has announced he will not seek re-election. Bob Adams to send out meeting announcements.

Minutes prepared by
Bob Adams