Two things:
Kirk sent out quarterly invoices this week. He sent the invoices electronically for those of you with email accounts. He would appreciate a response confirming you received the electronic invoice so that he can save some postage. For those without an email account or if you don't respond, he will send out the invoices via regular mail.
Also, Dan Kosik had a mild heart attack and is at this time at St Marys in Saginaw taking tests.� Hope to have him home tomorrow.
Surf-N-Sand II Condominium Association
A sunrise side condominium community on the shores of Lake Huron and the most beautiful beach area of Oscoda-AuSable. Board Members: Jerry Gossett (President) ~ Kirk Stevens (Treasurer) ~ Bob Adams (Secretary) ~ Bill Braun ~ George Codd ~ Leroy Kilgore ~ Mike Kovach