Friday, January 03, 2003

The Oscoda Press Tragedy struck downtown Oscoda on Friday night, totalling destroying a family's uninsured business (Three Wishes on State Street) and injuring two Oscoda Township firefighters.

The fire was discovered at 11:14 p.m. by off-duty police officer and firefighter Mark David.

The downtown district appeared blanketed by a dense Lake Huron fog as he drove through it on his way home.

Fog had covered the area much of the day and firefighters speculate this may be why no one suspected a blaze earlier.

But the veteran firefighter recognized the distinctive odor of burning wood and plastic. "That smells like a structure fire," he told his wife.

Flames were not showing but the source was quickly detected by the column of dark gray smoke billowing through a second story window in the rear of the Three Wishes building, located at 113 S. State.