Saturday, January 13, 2007

Lighthouses of the Great Lakes

Found this map on flickr (the photo posting web site) that links to images of all the lighthouses around the Great Lakes.

The numbers on the map refer to a count of the uploaded images available for viewing for the lighthouse at that location.

Very nice -- check it out!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Big Shock Expected Mid January — winter returns

imageThose of you waiting for the typical winter weather to arrive won't have to wait much longer. Most Forecasters are now calling for a sharp switch in weather patterns by Mid January. That will change on or around January 14th when the cold air , locked in the far north, finally begins to move into the winter pattern and drops over most of eastern Canada and the U.S.

Up to now, as seen in the maps to the right, the jet stream has for the most part been riding high over most of Canada (a typical warm weather pattern seen in Spring and Summer) by mid January, the jet stream will drop allowing the arctic air mass to move into its winter position.

The record breaking warmth most of North America has experienced this season will dramatically change plunging us into frigid temperatures and possibly a lot of snow.

One of the trouble spots could be the Great Lakes, as the cold air rushes over the warm open waters, heavy lake effect snow and snowsqualls could make up for the lack of snow so far this winter.

 Long range forecasts are spelling out a return to winter that will stay in place til early March.

Up close with the Tawas Point Lighthouse

Tawas Point Lighthouse by midmichphotos

Tawas Point Lighthouse by midmichphotos

This photo is one of a set of lighthouse photos. According to Terry Pepper’s Seeing the Light (which also has a stunning photo of the Tawas light in the 1800s) nothing came easy for those who sought to establish an aid to navigation of Ottawa Point at one end of Tawas Bay on Lake Huron.

Source: Michigan In Pictures