Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Dead bird found in Oscoda area had West Nile Virus

Continuing the story originally reported on here, the Oscoda Press is providing more details in this new article: Dead bird found in Oscoda area had West Nile Virus

A bird found near Lakewood Shores Resort in Oscoda is the first in the area to test positive for West Nile Virus. The dead bird was found about two weeks ago, according to Dianna Schafer, Health Officer with District Health Department No. 2.

Schafer urges people to protect themselves and limit their exposure to mosquitoes. "We've got a bumper crop of them this year," Schafer said. Wearing long selves and long pants and avoiding the outdoors at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active is recommended by local health officials. Using insect repellant containing DEET may also help protect against contracting the West Nile Virus.

Residents are encouraged to remove standing water from their yards in places such as bird baths, buckets and old tires, which can be a breeding area for mosquitoes.
Residents are encouraged to remove standing water from their yards -- yea, right. Tell that to the DEQ or the Army Corp of Engineers.


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