2004 Annual Meeting Summary
Last Sunday was the 12th annual owner meeting of the association. We had 22 owner units present. Here's a brief review of the proceedings:
Jerry openned the meeting with introductions and the roll-call.Thanks to all who were able to attend. In addition to the business of the board it's enjoyable to meet and chat with such nice people.
Jay presented the Finance report. The annual expense summaries were distributed and discussed. The consensus of the board is that there are no plans to increase the monthly dues. All maintenance and insurance obligations are able to be paid by the dues collected. Jay reminded those present that major projects will be funded by special assessments.
Jerry reviewed the status of various maintenance projects undertaken during the past twelve months including the deck staining and the additional work put into the sprinkler system.
Bob ran the election process for the terms expiring in 2004. Jay and Sam announced they would be not seek re-election. Bob canvased for nominees and the votes were counted. Elected to the board for two years were: Bob Adams, Mike Kovach, and Bill Braun.
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