Septic Problems - South End -- Update
Jerry has this update on the problems we have been having with the south end septic field:
When the south tanks were cleaned it was called to our attention there was something wrong as it took three loads to clean them out. We were advised to first check the electrical on the pump and then if that failed to call Don's plumbing. Lamrock was called and they checked the electric and the floats on the pump and all was working.
Joan later discovered the red light was on (last Tuesday). Don's plumbing was called. All the flanges on the pump piping were rusted out causing the pump to not work properly. These were repaired!! In addition there is a blockage of sand in the exit piping which takes the water to the leech field. The tanks were pumped again yesterday so Don could repair the pump. It will be several days before enough water is in the tank for the pump to try and get rid of it. The hope is that the repaired pump will output enough force to push any sand through. If this fails or the red light goes on in the meantime our next move is to contact Scott excavating. At this point the problem may be our leech field or just piping problems.
Don will call me in the next few days to advise if we need to proceed with Scott.
All for now-never a dull moment!!
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