Friday, November 12, 2004

Standish demolition makes way for depot renovation

The Bay City Times reports on the efforts to turn the Standish Depot into a travel and information center.

An empty, crumbling storefront marking Standish's busiest intersection has a date with death. Thank the preservationists. Their work to renovate the Standish Depot - long hidden from view because of the old Fletcher gas station/sporting goods store - means the building on Main Street at M-61 has to go.

The depot has sat hidden behind Fletcher's for 75 years, since the service station's 1930s construction. The depot group plans to transform the property into a park, graced by the depot. The restored depot, in turn, is to serve as a state travel center, guiding motorists to attractions locally and northward, especially along the US-23's shoreline Heritage Route, which begins at Standish.

"I see this demolition project as giving the depot back to the community," said Ruth Caldwell, a depot committee member and Standish business woman. "The old building should be down and gone in December. We want to end the year right."


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