Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Emerald ash borer quarantine set

Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine ZoneThe Oscoda Press confirms that Iosco is now within the quarantine zone for the Emerald Ash Borer.

It's official. Iosco and Alcona Counties are now on the Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine List and its boundaries are much greater than previously projected.

A quarantine regulates the emerald ash borer in any living stage of development; also ash trees; ash limbs and branches; ash logs; untreated ash lumber with bark attached; uncomposted ash chips and uncomposted ash bark chips larger than one inch in diameter in two dimensions; along with any article, product or means of conveyance determined by the director of the Michigan Department of Agriculture (MDA) to present the risk of spread of the emerald ash borer. It also regulates cut firewood of any deciduous species (trees which lose its leaves at the end of the season) originating from regulated areas.
People may not move regulated articles outside of quarantine areas except with the permission of the MDA.

Regulated articles originating from outside a quarantine zone may be moved through regulated areas only under certain conditions.

Another aspect of the quarantine is that ash nursery stock may not be moved within, out of, or into any portion of the Lower Peninsula.


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