Thursday, January 27, 2005

Finish Line Park purchase delayed

The Oscoda Press reports on progress made extending the AuSable Finish Line Park:

A new stumbling block has been encountered by the AuSable Township Board of Trustees in its effort to expand Finish Line Park. As a prerequisite to receiving the grant -- which funds 75 percent of a DNR approved purchase price -- the township had to contract for two professional appraisals. The first one came back at $31,000; the second at $181,000. The state officials responded by selecting a third appraiser to serve as an arbitrator.

This is a difficult parcel to evaluate, given its size and shape, he explained. There is also little in the way of comparable land sales to guide the appraisers. Finish Line Park is a small township-owned parcel, located at the corner of US-23 and Mill Street, the traditional finish line of the AuSable River International Canoe Marathon. It is a park which overlooks the river but currently does not extend to the water's edge. The Myles' property, commonly known as Brubaker's Dock, consists of about 0.18 acre of mostly river front.

Township officials have long coveted the property and want to acquire it in order to preserve public access to the river, maintain the marathon finish line, and also for community aesthetics and resource preservation.

In the event AuSable is successful in acquiring the property, officials hope to secure an additional grant to make improvements, including bank stabilization. Some of the other plans include the design and installation of a small local heritage display focusing on canoeing, fishing and AuSable history; a wood stairway with a handrail down to the water; and a flag or flags displaying a welcome message and the canoe paddler emblem.


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