Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Granholm signs bill beefing up ban on open water dumping

The Lansing State Journal reports on a new bill signed into law that bans dumping of contaminated soil or other dredged materials into open waters.

The legislation is designed to clarify and strengthen existing state law, which has prohibited open water dumping of contaminated sediment since the 1970s, according to the nonpartisan Senate Fiscal Agency.

The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers is responsible for dredging certain rivers and harbors in Michigan to make sure ships can pass through them. The sediments that are removed in the dredging sometimes contain pollutants. The confined areas where the dredged materials are stored are approaching capacity in some areas.

The new law is meant to clearly establish Michigan's ban on open water dumping and to ensure the state is not held responsible to pay for alternative dumping sites, Granholm's office said.


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